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Prof. Alice Cicirello joins the CRE as Humboldt Fellow

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Prof. Alice Cicirello joins the CRE on a prestigious Humboldt Fellowship for Experienced Researchers.

We are extremely happy to report that Prof. Alice Cicirello joins the CRE on a prestigious Humboldt Fellowship for Experienced Researchers for a period of 3 months. Alice is an Associate Professor and Head of the Section of Mechanics and Physics of Structures at TU Delft. She is also a Visting Fellow at the University of Oxford, and a Honary Lecturer at the University of Liverpool. She is the founder and Head of the Data, Vibration and Uncertainty group (2017 - present). Alice was a Departmental Lecturer in Dynamics and Vibration at the Oxford Engineering Science Department and a Career Development Fellow in Engineering Science at Balliol College (2017-2019). Prior to these positions, she was a Senior Research Scientist at Schlumberger (2014-2017), a Research Associate (2012-2014) and a Marie Curie Early Stage Researcher (2009-2012) at the Cambridge University Engineering Department. Alice obtained her PhD from the University of Cambridge in 2013.

This Humboldt Fellowship for Experience Researcher will enable Alice to generate a breakthrough in statistical model updating technologies under mixed and limited information. This will be achieved by having dedicate time to focus on this exciting research topic, by joining the diverse and productive Humboldt Community, and crucially, by starting a strategic collaboration with world-leading researcher: Professor Michael Beer (Hannover) and Professor Matthias Faes (Dortmund).