Prof. Dr. Matthias Faes appointed as Associate Editor for Reliability Engineering & System Safety (RESS)

Prof. Dr. Matthias Faes has been appointed as an Associate Editor for the journal Reliability Engineering & System Safety (RESS). The journal publishes research on system reliability, probabilistic risk assessment, uncertainty quantification, and safety-critical applications across various engineering disciplines. As an Associate Editor, he will be involved in the peer review process, assessing submissions for their scientific rigor and relevance to the field. His role also includes guiding authors through the publication process and contributing to the journal’s ongoing development to address emerging challenges in reliability engineering and system safety. In addition to this role, he also serves as an Associate Editor for Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing and the ASCE-ASME Journal of Risk and Uncertainty in Engineering Systems. This appointment strengthens the Chair for Reliability Engineering’s connection to the broader research community.