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Department of Mechanical Engineering
PhD Researcher

Mauricio Misraji



Tel.: +49 231 755-683x

Room: Maschinenbaugebäude 1, Raum U06

Google Scholar: Link 

ResearchGate: Link



Research interests

  • Development of advanced simulation strategies for reliability analysis in structural engineering.
  • Reliability sensitivity analysis.


Further information

  • 2010-2020: Civil Engineering Diploma and Master’s Degree, Santa Maria University, Valparaiso, Chile. Thesis: Development of a Directional Sampling Technique for the Analysis of the Reliability and Sensitivity of Linear Structural Systems Subject to Stochastic Gaussian Loading (Advisor: Prof. M. Valdebenito).
  • 2020-2022: Project Engineer and Project Coordinator at INRHED SPA, Santiago, Chile.
  • Since 10.2022 Ph.D. student at the Chair for Reliability Engineering, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, TU Dortmund University.



  • 2018 - Best Research Topic – XXI Congreso de Estudiantes de Ingeniería (CEIC), Santiago, Chile (link to award).
  • 2019 - Best Research Topic – XXVIII Congreso Nacional de Estudiantes de Ingeniería Civil (CONEIC), Vallarta, México (link to award).
  1. M.A. Misraji, M.A. Valdebenito, H.A. Jensen, and C.F. Mayorga, Application of directional importance sampling for estimation of first excursion probabilities of linear structural systems subject to stochastic Gaussian loading, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, vol. 139, p. 106621, 2020.
  2. M.A. Valdebenito, M.A. Misraji, H.A. Jensen, and C. F. Mayorga, Sensitivity estimation of first excursion probabilities of linear structures subject to stochastic Gaussian loading, Computers & Structures, vol. 248, p. 106482, 2021.
  3. Danko J. Jerez, Hector A. Jensen, Marcos A. Valdebenito, Mauricio A. Misraji, Franco Mayorga, and Michael Beer. On the use of directional importance sampling for reliability-based design and optimum design sensitivity of linear stochastic structures. Probabilistic Engineering Mechanics, p. 103368, 2022. (journal pre-proof)