Research interests
- Design of simulation strategies for assessing component and system reliability in structural mechanics.
- Reliability sensitivity analysis.
- Reliability-based design optimization.
- Reliability assessment under the presence of aleatoric and epistemic uncertainty.
Random Vibrations
Further information
1999-2006: Civil Engineering Diploma and Master’s Degree, Santa Maria University, Valparaiso, Chile. Thesis: Reliability Based Optimization of Systems with Random Structural Parameters subject to Random Excitation (Advisor: Prof. H.A. Jensen).
2006-2010: Doctoral Degree in Civil Engineering (Dr. techn.), University of Innsbruck, Innsbruck, Austria. Thesis: Reliability-based Optimization: Efficient Strategies for High Dimensional Reliability Problems (Advisor: Prof. G.I. Schuëller).
2010-2020: Santa Maria University, Valparaiso, Chile. Faculty member of the Civil Engineering Department, responsible for conducting teaching, research and administration.
- Associate Professor, tenured (March 2017 to June 2020).
- Assistant Professor (March 2013 to February 2017).
- Instructor (March 2010 to February 2013).
2020-2022: Adolfo Ibáñez University, Viña del Mar, Chile. Faculty member of Engineering and Science, responsible for conducting teaching, research and administration.
- Full Professor, tenured.
Since 08.2022: Chief Engineer at the Chair for Reliability Engineering, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, TU Dortmund University.
Editorial Work
- 2021 to date: Member of the Editorial Board of the international journal Structural Safety (WoS indexation, Q1 in civil engineering).
- 2016 to date: Member of the Editorial Board of the international journal Computers & Structures (WoS indexation, Q1 in civil engineering).
- 2010 to date: Reviewer for WoS-indexed journals such as Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, Engineering Structures, etc. More than 350 reviews performed since 2010 (source:
- 2018: Humboldt Research Fellowship for Experienced Researchers, awarded by the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, Germany, for conducting a six month research visit at the Institute for Risk and Reliability (host: Professor Michael Beer), Leibniz Universität Hannover, Germany.
- 2016: K.J. Bathe Award 2016 for the best paper published in the international journal Computers & Structures in the years 2014 and 2015 by an author below the age of 40. The paper considered for the award was "Estimation of first excursion probabilities for uncertain stochastic linear systems subject to Gaussian load. Computers & Structures, 138:36–48, 2014".
- 2013, 2014, 2015: Excellence Lecturer Award (Maestro de Excelencia). Santa Maria University, Chile. Ranked among top 2% of part-time lecturers and faculty members of the campus.
- 2010, 2012, 2016 and 2017: Outstanding Lecturer Award (Maestro Destacado), Santa Maria University, Chile. Ranked among top 10% of part-time lecturers and faculty members of the campus.
- 2007: Marcos Orrego Puelma award (highest ranking among graduating class), Institute of Engineers, Santiago, Chile.
- 2006: Federico Santa Maria award (highest ranking among graduating class), Santa Maria University, Valparaiso, Chile.
M.A. Misraji, M.A. Valdebenito, H.A. Jensen, and C.F. Mayorga, Application of directional importance sampling for estimation of first excursion probabilities of linear structural systems subject to stochastic Gaussian loading, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, vol. 139, p. 106621, 2020.
J. Song, M. Valdebenito, P. Wei, M. Beer, and Z. Lu, Non-intrusive imprecise stochastic simulation by line sampling, Structural Safety, vol. 84, p. 101936, 2020.
M.G.R. Faes and M.A. Valdebenito, Fully decoupled reliability-based optimization of linear structures subject to Gaussian dynamic loading considering discrete design variables, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, vol. 156, p. 107616, 2021.
M.A. Valdebenito, M.A. Misraji, H.A. Jensen, and C. F. Mayorga, Sensitivity estimation of first excursion probabilities of linear structures subject to stochastic Gaussian loading, Computers & Structures, vol. 248, p. 106482, 2021.
M.A. Valdebenito, P. Wei, J. Song, M. Beer, and M. Broggi, Failure probability estimation of a class of series systems by multidomain Line Sampling, Reliability Engineering & System Safety, vol. 213, p. 107673, 2021.